V10 Update

import selfbotdiscord
selfbotdiscord.audit_logs(token="token here",guild_id="guild id here")

You can see audit logs with this code.

import selfbotdiscord

You can check if the gift code is correct/wrong!

import selfbotdiscord
selfbotdiscord.avatar(token="token",user_id="user id")


import selfbotdiscord
selfbotdiscord.delete_channel(token="token",channel_id="channel id")

You can delete channel easily

import selfbotdiscord
selfbotdiscord.get_all_channels(token="token",guild_id="guild id")

You can get all channel id's information with this code

import selfbotdiscord
selfbotdiscord.channel_webhooks(token="token",channel_id="channel id")

You can get all webhooks information in the channel

import selfbotdiscord
selfbotdiscord.join_voice_channel(token="token here",driver_path=r"like C:\Users\user\Desktop\chromedriver.exe",guild_id="guild id",xpath="xpath",how_much_second="like 60")

token = your discord account token

driver path : install the chrome driver and copy the path

guild id = voice channel in the discord server's id

xpath : look at the gif xpath

how_much_seconds = how many seconds do you stay in the sound room